Atomsmasher is like the 50th release I've gotten my hands on that involves James Plotkin. Like listening to OLD through a midi on fast-forward, Atomsmasher, (Plotkin along with Dave Witte and DJ Speedranch) is nothing short of what the soundtrack to World War III would be if the composers had never worked in any field other than video games. This first release came in a beautiful digi-pack and has art that you would expect from a James Plotkin album with a layout design and logo courtesy of Sir Aaron Turner. The band has since changed it's name to Phantomsmasher and moved from Hydra Head to Ipecac but the therory and practice are still the same.
ATOMSMASHER - Atomsmasher
KHANATE - Capture & Release
TYRANNY OF SHAW - Stars in Camouflage
CULT OF LUNA - Salvation
PUNGENT STENCH - For God Your Soul...For Me Your Flesh
REPULSION - Horrified
MY DYING BRIDE - Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera
diSEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence Into The Peripheral
EYEHATEGOD - Confederacy of Ruined Lives
SODOM - Expurse Of Sodomy
STRIBORG - Embittered Darkness/Isles de Morts
AGNOSTIC FRONT - Victim in Pain
BORIS - Flood
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