Collapsing (Un)Sanity

Celan is named after the Jewish/German poet Paul Celan and features the aforementioned Unsane alum, Chris Spencer, Ari Benjamin Meyers of Einstürzende Neubauten/Redux Orchestra, Niko Wenner of Oxbow and Philipp Korner and Xavi Thiem of the now defunt German Noise-Spazz band flu.ID Elements are present from each member although Spencers influence dominates. This is great news for those of us who wouldn't have it any other way.
If you're an Unsane fan, you'll love it. If you're an Oxbow or flu.ID fan, you'll dig the hell out of it. If you're a die-hard Einstürzende

This is no avantgarde, experimental, dark ambient, industrial, this is refined noise rock with "hints" of the all those things. But with that in mind, it's no off-shoot of Unsane or Oxbow either. Do yourself a favor and find this release. You may thank me later.
Celan on Myspace
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