The "Ozymandias" Playlist
(or... "...look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare... the lone and level sands stretch far away)

RUINS - "A Lesson in Ruthlessness" - Place of No Pity
GODKILLER - "The Inner Pain" - The End of the World
BLACK ANVIL - "Dethroned Emperor [Celtic Frost]" - Time Insults the Mind
KREATOR - "Cry War" - Endless Pain
PORTAL - "Transcending a Mere Multiverse" - Seepia
SACRIFICE - "Warrior of Death" - Torment in Fire
BASTARD PRIEST - "Under the Hammer of Destruction" - Under the Hammer of Destruction
ASPHYX - "Os Abysmi Vel Daath [Celtic Frost]" - Deathhammer
MAYHEM - "Anti" - Ordo Ad Chao
LEVIATHAN - "Cruelty Juggernaut" - Verräter: Schadenfreude
MERRIMACK - "Worms in the Divine Intestine" - The Acausal Mass
ABIGOR - "Reborn Through the Gates of Three Moons" - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
CRAFT - "Horizon" - Total Eclipse
ABSU - "Vorago (Spell 182)" - Tara
CELTIC FROST - "Into the Crypts of Rays" - Morbid Tales
BATHORY - "A Fine Day to Die" - Blood Fire Death
SODOM - "Obsessed by Cruelty" - Obsessed by Cruelty
MAYHEM - "Chainsaw Gutsfuck" - Deathcrush
GORGOROTH - "Introibo ad Alatare Satanas" - Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt
MERCYFUL FATE - "At the Sound of the Demon Bell" - Melissa
GLORIOR BELLI - "Severed from the Self" - Manifesting the Raging Beast
IMMORTAL - "All Shall Fall" - All Shall Fall
ASH BORER - "In the Midst of Life, We Are in Death" - Ash Borer
TRIPTYKON - "Crucifixus" - Shatter
NIHILL - "Gnosis, Pt. 2" - Krach
ABSU - "Nunbarshegunu" - Absu
GRAVE - "Christi(ns)anity" - You'll Never See
DARKTHRONE - "Snø og granskog (Utferd)- Panzerfaust
PLAGUE WIDOW - "Abyss" - Plague Widow
POSSESSED - "Evil Warriors" - Seven Churches
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - "Diabolus Absconditus" - Crushing the Holy Trinity
SONNE ADAM - "Armed with Hammers" - Armed with Hammers
GORGOROTH - "Om Kristen og Jødisk Tru" - Destroyer, or About How to philosophize with the Hammer


RUINS - "A Lesson in Ruthlessness" - Place of No Pity
GODKILLER - "The Inner Pain" - The End of the World
BLACK ANVIL - "Dethroned Emperor [Celtic Frost]" - Time Insults the Mind
KREATOR - "Cry War" - Endless Pain
PORTAL - "Transcending a Mere Multiverse" - Seepia
SACRIFICE - "Warrior of Death" - Torment in Fire
BASTARD PRIEST - "Under the Hammer of Destruction" - Under the Hammer of Destruction
ASPHYX - "Os Abysmi Vel Daath [Celtic Frost]" - Deathhammer
MAYHEM - "Anti" - Ordo Ad Chao
LEVIATHAN - "Cruelty Juggernaut" - Verräter: Schadenfreude
MERRIMACK - "Worms in the Divine Intestine" - The Acausal Mass
ABIGOR - "Reborn Through the Gates of Three Moons" - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
CRAFT - "Horizon" - Total Eclipse
ABSU - "Vorago (Spell 182)" - Tara
CELTIC FROST - "Into the Crypts of Rays" - Morbid Tales
BATHORY - "A Fine Day to Die" - Blood Fire Death
SODOM - "Obsessed by Cruelty" - Obsessed by Cruelty
MAYHEM - "Chainsaw Gutsfuck" - Deathcrush
GORGOROTH - "Introibo ad Alatare Satanas" - Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt
MERCYFUL FATE - "At the Sound of the Demon Bell" - Melissa
GLORIOR BELLI - "Severed from the Self" - Manifesting the Raging Beast
IMMORTAL - "All Shall Fall" - All Shall Fall
ASH BORER - "In the Midst of Life, We Are in Death" - Ash Borer
TRIPTYKON - "Crucifixus" - Shatter
NIHILL - "Gnosis, Pt. 2" - Krach
ABSU - "Nunbarshegunu" - Absu
GRAVE - "Christi(ns)anity" - You'll Never See
DARKTHRONE - "Snø og granskog (Utferd)- Panzerfaust
PLAGUE WIDOW - "Abyss" - Plague Widow
POSSESSED - "Evil Warriors" - Seven Churches
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - "Diabolus Absconditus" - Crushing the Holy Trinity
SONNE ADAM - "Armed with Hammers" - Armed with Hammers
GORGOROTH - "Om Kristen og Jødisk Tru" - Destroyer, or About How to philosophize with the Hammer

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