800 million years ago, I was introduced to a band from Florida that turned my world up-side-fucking down! The band was Nasty Savage and from 1986 to 1989 they managed to COMPLETELY slay everything in my music collection at the time. From the self-titled first album to
Abstract Reality, nothing but genuine

destruction was delivered, no quarter asked and none given. Don't know who I'm talking about? Look into it mortal! Nasty Ronnie was 10 times the singer and 20 times the performer of all your dumb-shit Trivium Whore-shippers. Get your white-belt, tight pants wearin', ball-guzzlin' retard ass over to EBay and pick up some fucking NASTY SAVAGE! May I suggest purchasing the cassette first as a) you don't deserve a CD of this amount of destructive audio and b) ...it might be the only format you can find it on. Buy or Die!

PS I just got a signed copy of 2004's
Psycho Psycho, the latest album by the re-formed Nasty Savage as sold by guitarist Ben Meyer on
EBay. Go there and look at what he has, pick something up and be supportive of a guitar player that was/is REAL metal!
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