Truths and Opinions (Machine Numbered Edition)

Giving the title "Untitled" to a song or album is not clever.
When you claim to be a "fan" of a band, try at least getting the name of their biggest album correct...Into the Pan.Thy.Monium indeed!
There is an unholy trinity and it is Thee Claw!!! Hail Patchie, SJW and The Skum!
Always, and I cannot stress this enough, ALWAYS double check whether or not an item is really "rare" or "out of print" before bidding in the triple digits on eBay.
Just because your "band" or "one man project" has the moniker "USBM" attached to it, doesn't mean I will purchase your CD.
I'm sick of Tom Warriors new "look at me, I'm sullen" pictures.
Many "Independent" record labels are ruining the concept of "numbered" limited editions by failing to release only one of each number in sequence.
Never claim (with a sense of smugness even) to have a first press, limited run or rare version of an LP when you are talking to a REAL vinyl expert.
I still listen to RATT and am listening to "Between the Eyes" right now.
The person I clash with the least when it comes to music is Russ. Hail Proscriptor!
If you're in a band, STOP FUCKING TRYING TO ADD ME ON MYSPACE!!! I DO NOT give a FUCK about your crap music that mixes TOOL with what-the-fuck-ever. Douche Bags!
If you have Arch Enemy listed anywhere on your site, myspace or blog other than to say they suck, I won't link you.
The best band I think no one has heard of is Balatonizer from Italy (let's change that shall we).
Just because your "band" or "one man project" is on a label I tend to be supportive of, Hydra Head, Southern Lord, Moribund, Etc., doesn't mean I will purchase your CD even if it's limited or comes with a shirt or "after this it will only be available by the band on tour".
Owning Until the Ink Runs Out doesn't make you EMO but anything else by 18V does.
I hate the word EMO and I can't believe I've managed to use it.
I've been on a total trip for Venom and Leviathan which shows no sign of subsiding (find Verräter!!!)
"The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald" is by far one of the most KVLT songs in existence.
If you're going to give yourself a pseudonym, please put some thought into it.
If you're going to wear corpse paint, try not to make yourself look gay.
I hate seeing pics of guys from bands I was into back in the 80's looking all "over the hill" now. (Have you SEEN Cronos lately? He could be Klaus Meine's older, taller, slightly more satanic brother).
Listening to Public Enemy doesn't make you hate "whitey" any more than listening to Arch Enemy makes you Not Gay.
I hate that these posts have become architecturally verbose.
What the fuck? Machine numbered? Pull out a fucking pen.
Remember kids, Celtic Frost was GOING to have Monotheist go by the title Dark Matter Manifest. Look it up.
The only thing worse than people is more people. Hail Wrest and Xasthur!
Take that bloody hat off, Tom!
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