The End...of Quality (why would you fuck with Immortal?)

The End Records has been putting out some of these harder to find gems on their label (Immortal, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Etc.) and this would at first seem a good thing for two reasons: 1) It would make the harder to find versions that much more valuable and 2) would make the recordings easily available to those who don't care about anything but "having the songs".
The problem I have with The End versions is this: 1) The case art that comes with the CD is VERY obviously scanned and is twenty kinds of shitty at best, 2) The purpose of getting the music out there to those who don't care about anything but "having the songs" doesn't make sense as those people will find a way to download it so it seems like a waste of time and resources.
The version I had first of Diabolical... was the JL America version and this version I've recently obtained is the Osmose/SPV version. (I'd like to have some kind of guide to know what's what and what all is out there and how many were pressed, etc., but that's the kind of geek I am.)
The long and short of it is, I always try my hardest to find most releases in their original pressing but have nothing against re-releases. But The End have done a way shitty job as far as I'm concerned as they've cut corners on the art and added ZERO additional tracks or liner notes but STILL charge you a hefty enough cost for getting sweet FA but what you could find elsewhere (this version I just got was $8.50 with shipping and is in beautiful condition.)
What's the motive? Greed! How about putting these out there at $5.99 or something? Give us some sway for fuck sake. A good example is the recent re-release of "Crippled Lucifer". Now THAT is how classics should be treated! I'll not support these re-releases and shall continue to track down better versions and as a collector, I'd advise you do the same or else, why not just download it? It's basically supportive of the same integrity.
I bought The Shadowthrone and had the same problem...had it on cd a long time ago, still have the LP. I emailed Moonfog and they said the original artwork was lost, so you are getting a scanned version. It looked so shitty that I returned it.... I even said to them, this looks like a bootleg, and to be honest, it pretty much does.
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