Besides myself, I only know of two people who are fans of Pan.Thy.Monium and still only a few more who have even heard of them. The band was an amalgam of sickening talent and massively confusing instrumentation mastery whose material is as hard to get a hold of physically as it is mentally.
The following is taken from the Pan.Thy.Monium MySpace page and is a pretty thorough list of releases and their tracks along with unedited thoughts on a few by Dan Swanö (a.k.a. Day DiSyraah)
DAWN (demo 1990)
1. Dauwhnn
2. Zenotaffph
3. Klievieage
4. Ekkhoeec
DREAM II (7" Obscure Plasma 1991)
1. I 4:26
2. II 3:31
3. III 3:46
4. Vvoiiccheeces 1:29
total time 13:12
One of the coolest death metal recordings I've ever done. It's so incredibly dark and bizarre I find it hard to believe that a popnerd like myself have been involved in the making!! The biggest thing for a band back then was to score a 7" deal. Nowadays bands get a deal before they are formed..things change!!! I think they printed around 1000 copies and they all sold out pretty fast. This recording was remastered and re-released thru AvantGarde in 1994 with a pretty boring bonustrack.
My Favetrack: I
DAWN OF DREAMS (Osmose 1992)
1. 21:42
2. 5:47
3. 4:00
4. 3:03
5. 2:39
6. 4:23
7. 3:00
total time 44:34
I really believe we created something unique here. Our mission was to confuse people and being a fresh band on the market and not include the songtitles on the sleeve (only a weird poem could be found!!!) Is an example of Pan-Thy-Monium's weird sense of humour!! I still remember shooting the sleevephoto with my lousy UFO camera on a flight between Denmark and Sweden (to sing on the Maceration album) I still think this album kicks some serious ass. The lyrics were a combination of improvised stuff a la Obituary and the lyrics from the innersleeve of a hardcore record that we bought from a lowprice mailorder during the recording.. If you listen carefully you can hear Robert (now in Edge Of Sanity) sing a lot of stuff about society and the people with the power!! ...and all the Norwegian people thought we were soooo evil.. The openingsong "Raagoonshinaah" is a 21 minute nostalgiaorgasm for me and other stuff like "Amaraah" and "IV" totally shreds too! The coolest thing is that you don't know which tracks I mean!!!! My brother perform some really outrageous saxophone stuff here. The legendary "Submarine-soprano" and some of the freeform stuff is just too weird!!! Awesome!!
My favetrack: "Raagoonshinaah"
KHAOOOHS (Osmose 1993)
1. I manens sken dog en skugga 1:49
2. Under ytan 3:56
3. Jag & vem 5:54
4. Lava 7:37
5. Lmska frsat 6:55
6. I vindens vald 0:50
7. Klieveage 2:58
8. Ekkhoeece III 0:44
9. Khaoohs I 4:47
10. Utsikt 8:12
11. Khaoohs II 0:40
total time 44:22
This album is nothing that I'm very proud of. Even though we cracked the excellent idea to sing in Swedish most of the songs turned out strange and the overall mood is to "rocky". The production is kinda strange and the keyboard parts became stressed and atmosphereless but the layout is bizarre (The monsters on the foldout is drawn by some children at the kindergarten where I worked during the recording. I asked them to draw their most horrifying nightmare and they gave me monsters with teeth on their arms and stuff..It was then I realised that having a kid would be a cool thing!!!) and the poems from Dr. Dark are superb. The faked liveversion of "Khaooohs" is a classic too!! A lot of people loved this one and hated the first and vice versa.
My Favetrack: "Utsikt"
DREAM II (cd re-release Avantgarde 1995)
1. I 4:26
2. II 3:31
3. III 3:46
4. Vvoiiccheeces 1:29
5. IV (bonus) 5:47
total time 18:59
1. The Battle of Geeheeb 11:51
2. Thee-pherenth 14:44
3. Behrial 6:35
4. In remembrance 1:00
total time 34:10
We started to record this one while I was still living in Finspång. The magic of P.T.M. was lost but we gave it all one more try and this time we managed to come closer to the "original". I had an idea to record the album in three parts and release them separately with a month in between and then you could link them all together with the sleeve etc. That idea was cool but I didn't have enough time to fix it. We recorded the basic tracks for the second part right before I moved to Örebro and somehow it felt like the whole thing was falling apart once I left Finspång. I was wrong. I listened to the mastertapes one day at the studio and discovered the embryo of a superalbum. I called all the dudes including leadguitarist/saxophone master Aag (My brother Dag using yet another psuedonym!!) and we finished off the 2 parts of the third album in a day and started shopping. Relapse got back to us, eager to cooperate and they did a great job! The album got good reviews in the states but it never experienced a proper European distribution. An american couple used the ambient track "Behrial" as their weddingmarch!! Cool!
My favetrack: Thee-pherenth.
DAWN OF DREAMS / KHAOOOHS (digipack re-release Osmose 2003)
Disc1: Dawn of Dreams
Disc2: Khaooohs
Pantalgia: International Death Metal Compilation (MBR Records 1992)
7. Klievieage (demo version 3:03)
Spectrum Ale (Relapse 1996)
5. The Battle of Geheeb (excerpt 5:36
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