Where are they now...

Wrapping up the "where are they now..." of deadrightthere is the very reason the band existed in the first place. The very outspoken and extreme, Morgan from Kill the Client. I first met Morgan at a New Years party '01-'02 and we hit it off pretty much from the start. From there, Morgan assembled the rest of the guys and deadrightthere was born. Contained here is the most recent interview Morgan did direct from his blog on MySpace. Click on the pic and check out the KTC page. Hails to you brother Morgan and congrats on your recent nuptials as well!!!
1-man, I really see you band in a different way, you know, do you make grindcore as the old bands but with some different thing, that name Kill The Client is an extremely original
name, is that really insane, tell me, what kind of a men create a band like "kill the Client(is because of your vision about politics, violence, misery )?
we try to play what we feel. we play old school power-grind, but the technicallity is still there. it's all about the riff. there is no power in notes. if you spend all your time poppin guitar wheelies you lose the the feel of the song. we want to plow you over with the power of the music. everybody together just smashing you.
member-wise we are all different individuals from different places and back grounds. james and i are older. the rest of the guys are a little younger but have been around. we see the world for what it is and try to convey that through music. we live in the most prosperous powerful nation on earth. but our leaders are corrupt profit mongers. KILL THE CLIENT is our vehicle to expose the corruption and open peoples eyes and get them to act.
the names is actually a sales term. it's basicly says "by any means neccissary" to get it done, to make the sale. we just use that againist the actual meaning.
2- we will speak a little of your kill the client graphic jobs, the first cd: wage slave -with men without face in social clothes and the second play escalation of hostility:
children with a gaz mask in a chaotic world; I should admit that a shirt with the suicidal priest would be fantastic too, you work with specific artists?
on our first record rob middleton, who did all the sick artwork for NAPALM DEATH, did the layout. it was an honor to have an artist who did the artwork for your heros do your graphics. on "escalation of hostility" aaron nichols, from the band DEFEATIST, did that layout. that was our first truly political album. aaron really put the art with the message. aaron has done the artwork for the new album "cleptocracy". wait until you see that! amazing! that album will be out in late sept/early oct on willowtip. the priest artwork was sent to us by this kid. i don't think any of us ever even met him. but he sent that picture with the message "i hope you like my artwork". that shit is sick. just a amazing powerful picture. i owe him some beers or something!haha!
3-in 2005 you did play in MDF, beside bands as Xxx-Maniak, Regurgitate, Aborted, Impaled, Pig Destroyer and many other, this festival is one of the most "cult" extreme music
festivals in the world, and did you have a great presentation, as it was the public's reaction and the insanity in the stage?
MDF was our first really big show. we had the best time there and would love to do it again. when we started all i said was "we're KILL THE CLIENT from dallas,tx. that's where president kennedy got hit and we're ready to take out george bush next"! after that the guys just layed it out and i went crazy. i spent most of the set on top of the crowd and on the floor. people were going apeshit all around me. it was awesome! plus two days of seeing and hanging out with the best bands in the world was great. hopefully we'll get invited back soon.
4-Speak us all about this new album Cleptocracy.
cleptocracy is the next level record for us. it is by far the best thing we have ever done. we have a solid line up and are fully functioning as a team. james, chris, and i all wrote lyrics. it's our most political and socially eye opening material to date. and the music is just pummeling. it's like a full-on onslaught from beginning to end. adding brian(phobia, noisear, gridlink) and dorian(noisear) to the band has just turned everything up. those four guys are a fuckin writing grinding machine. i just set back sometimes and see them killing it. they are all truely amazing musicians. wait until you hear it! it's our 2nd willowtip records release. there will also be a vinyl release of cleptocracy on rescued from life records. good times ahead!
5-As they are the plans for future shows in USA ?
we just finished doing some shows with DESPISE YOU. which was awesome. we are on the willowtip tour this year. it's phobia, impailed, kill the client, malignancy, illogist, and maruta(who fuckin rule, check them out). we'll be out for about 2 weeks on that tour. but we have shows scattered through out the end of the year. we really want to do more fests this year. we'll see what happens.
6-Gigs here in Brazil man... is impossible or not?
who knows, brother. we never count anything out! james grew up in ecuador and has always wanted to take us down there. we would love to hit south america and grind it up!
7-Are you a great MMA Fan right? Speak man, Affliction or UFC?
i have been an mma fan and training myself for a long time. i try to support the organization that supports the fighter the most. i try to watch and support all the organizations. unfortunatly dana white(ufc president) has turned out to be kind of an asshole. he is very disrespectful to any fighter that doesn't do what he wants. any fighter that won't sign with the ufc is a scrub or a bum is eyes. he wants too much control. he wants to have all the players and count all the money. which is complete bullshit. i've always been a ufc guy but,affliction has some of my favorite guys now. barrnet is one of my favorites! two words... CATCH WRESTLER! he "rips it". some of the old schoolers will understand that term. matt linland is tough as nails. and what can't be said about fedor? he's a machine. calm, basic, and brutal. when he and randy couture(my favorite of all time) fight it will be amazing! and that will be an affliction fight. i really just like individual fighters more than organizations. vanderlai, dan henderson, the greatness of forrest griffin,aoki, gsp, florian, stann, condit all super tough guys. frank shamrock is a genius. and uriah faber is freak of nature. but the toughest guy on earth is jon fitch. just a straight up warrior. bj penn is beyond anyone. but anderson silva... who can stop that guy? he is pound for pound the best. great stand up, bjj black belt, all the tools.
shit, i could talk about this all day. we'll talk more about this next time.
8-now speak about the split with Agoraphobic Nosebleed, what your opinion about this freak band and this release, was a good experiencie? He had a good divulgation/promotion ?
the spilt with AnB was great. we've always been huge fans. scott hull does all of our mastering. when he asked us to do that split it was a priviledge. it turned out awesome, it sold out in less than a week from relapse. we are also on hulls new comp "this comp kills fascists" . there are some sick bands on there. shitstorm rule, weekend nachos rip, brutal truth, maruta, insect warfare(our texas brothers), magrudergrind! it's a brutally crushing comp. check it out!
9- The Champ,thank you so much for this interview, sorry for my bad english and speak any for the Brazilian Kill the Client fanatics!
thanks for asking me for the interview. next time we'll throw in some portugesse to make it even! haha! KILL THE CLIENT loves all of our south american brothers and sisters! hope to see you all soon! GRIND YOUR MIND!
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