Every now and again the rare occasion arises that you come across a record clearly created by fanatics that simply can't help but stand apart from the crowd. Fanatics that have deep roots in nothing else but bashing out the most grim yet beautiful sounding doom... doom isn't the genre here, doom is the atmosphere. Eyes peer beyond shadows and blood flows beneath footprints. The world is not as vast as the mind. Reality suffers the consequence and we are it's slaves. Peasant is Thou's 2nd full length after their debut LP Tyrant and both LPs were summoned in their hometown of Baton Rouge, LA which many here in the states consider the home state of that true soulful doom vibe somewhat akin to Motown via Detroit. Unlike many bands of the ilk, Thou doesn't just simply plow over you with riff after unbearably crushing riff over the duration of the album but choose to riff over your soul track by track with more venom per ounce than is likely healthy by any standard. Needless pain and suffering are all around you, Thou are not the answer... they are the alternative. No true pleasure can ever be experienced without a healthy dose of pain. Look no further.

Thou live:
09/21/2008 Howlin Wolf - New Orleans, LA
10/07/2008 Hi Ho Lounge - New Orleans, LA
10/08/2008 One Eyed Jacks - New Orleans, LA
10/15/2008 Knitting Factory - New York, NY w/SunnO))
10/16/2008 First Unitarian Church - Philadelphia, PA w/SunnO))
10/17/2008 Girl Cave DC - Washington, DC
10/18/2008 ABC No Rio - New York, NY [matinee]
10/18/2008 Supreme Trading - Brooklyn, NY [night]
10/24/2008 Fletcher’s House - New Orleans, LA
I fucking adore this record. I listened to Tyrant til I knew every riff, every pause, every wail in perfect recollection inside my head , then I stopped playing the album and I could still listen to it without any need for media or a mechanical device to play it on. Is that a sign that you are into a piece of music too much or what! I can see Peasant ending up being the exact same. 10/10, 2 claws up!
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