Putting My Mouth Where My Money Is

It's true, I'm a complainer. I complain especially loud about things that really REALLY fucking bother me. Merch that doesn't fit. Deadbeats who don't ship at all... and shipping costs. Especially when said shipping costs guarantee little more than a lengthy wait by the mail box for your shit to come in and even then it's a gamble as to whether or not it's going to be correct. Case in point:
When Southern Lord put out the Burning Witch 2xCD, no one was more excited than I (just ask Proscriptor) and I pre (yes, that's PRE) 0rdered my copy along with one of the two new shirts that came with it. I waited a couple of weeks and began checking my mail box every day for the album I'd been trying for for AGES to get a hold of. 2 weeks went by, then 3. A 4th week passed and I thought to myself, "It will be any day now." Most mail orders say to allow 4 weeks and 4 weeks is what I allowed. After all, I've gotten shipments to Texas from New York that took 2 days, never mind 2 weeks, but I digressed. I let a 5th week pass to lend the benefit of the doubt to them and then I contacted Southern Lord. 4 (count them) 4 days later I received a mail back that stated simply, "Please wait 4 weeks for your order to arrive."
WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Someone doesn't read their e-mails. I'd waited 5 weeks and had been patient as hell. I worded my inquiry very delicately as I know how fucked up people can get toward someone working a help desk and I didn't want to be one of those hick fuckers that thinks the universe revolves around them. BUT, this mother fucker kinda forced my hand.
I wrote back that I'd waited not 4 weeks but 5 and nothing had come in and asked again that he check to see if my order shipped. Another 2 days and I got a 7 word semi-response, "Order didn't ship. Will get out asap." No sorry... no explanation as to the "why" of this fuck up, just a surgically cold fucking brush off. But still, at least it was on the way this time right..?
Another 2 weeks passed. That's right, 2 WEEKS and nothing. I wrote Southern Lord again and to my surprise was actually answered the next day, "Order went out today." Jesus fucking tap-dancin' Christ. 2 months into this mother fucker and I still didn't have my merch... and this from a fucking mail order that charges 7 fucking dollars for the first item. This was the bottom of the fucking barrel of customer service. Even places that ship for free, for whom you allow a lot of leeway in a situation like this in exchange for "free shipping" don't treat their customers this badly. I was a little fucking pissed to say the fucking least. At no time did I get so much as an apology either.
My package from "Southern Lord" arrived in a whopping 2 days. 2 DAYS! I thought back to when I placed the order, allowed for the time til it shipped as it was a pre-order and I should have received it 2 months ago. This was only insult to injury so to speak. I opened my package and pulled out the shirt and CD. The shirt was a long sleeve. I ordered a short sleeve. I looked at my order and there it was, short sleeve and a CD. Maybe this was someone's way of apologizing, and while most of you would say, "Long sleeve, that's great" I would agree. In Texas however, we have the occasion to wear a long sleeve a grand total of about 3 weeks per year due to the heat so... so much for sporting my new Burning Witch shirt very often... oh well, at least I only waited 2 months to get it.
This was a worst case I know, and I'd have forgotten it all at the small cost of a "we're sorry" from at least one mother fucker involved... but here's my point: there is much better out there and you won't get raped for nearly another $10 for shipping and "handling" by some douche that doesn't give a shit.
You can get free, fast shipping from Omega Mail Order and their selection is awesome. An independent sellers of note is Scott Slimm and Archive Recordings. Free shipping and ULTRA-FAST. Robotic Empire USED to be free shipping and used to have a site that you could easily navigate, but they are fast and still have a lot of goodies (I got Guilted by the Sun on CD from them and that fucker is GONE). Hell's Headbangers, Battle Kommand and Moribund Cult are cheap and fast and their customer service is impeccable.
Hydra Head are great guys and super nice but just so happen to be the most expensive shippers at almost $9 for the first item, and that's the most economical shipping method available too. However, those guys are fast as hell and almost always throw in extra goodies for ordering with them and that to me is worth the cost of shipping. It's great to feel like they appreciate their customers.
Of late, I have been ordering from Relapse. You heard me right. They have a base of $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional item and have pretty much everything I'm ever looking for. Just recently I ordered the new Khanate CD/DVD and the new Sunn o))) CD and it was $31, with shipping for both. Had I ordered either by themselves from their respective labels I would have paid close to that for each. So do yourself a favor, shop around. I'm not hurting these labels at all since... well I am buying "their" shit. I just don't feel a need for the ass-fucking they shell out as I shell out my cash.
2 months? I'm still waiting on an order I placed almost SIX MONTHS ago. I was initially contacted by someone in another country who received a package with my name on it. After 2 1/2 months and several complaints, I got a package containing 2 out of 8 of the items I ordered, along with other items, mainly t-shirts (small) I didn't order, which I returned. I have sent at least ten e-mails to the individual supposedly responsible for SL's mail order (and have used the Order Enquiry Service several times - ha!) which, if I'm lucky, gets the traditional impolite one-line reply. I would be grateful to hear of similar experiences involving the label and if, and how, they were solved, and would also like to know of any prominent forums that have threads concerning SL's mail order standards.
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