The "Deluded Versions of Revelations" Playlist
(or... Completing the control of emptiness. Enter the external lights. The conversed tubes to the surface and beyond)

MAYHEM - "Anti" - Ordo Ad Chao
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - "Have You Beheld the Fevers?" - Paracletus
LEVIATHAN - "Requiem for a Turd World" - Tentacles of Whorror
NIHILL - "Gnosis, Pt. 3" - Krach
KRALLICE - "IIIIIIII" - Years Past Matter
MAYHEM - "To Daimonion (Part I of III)" - Grand Declaration of War
ABIGOR - "Liberty Rises a Diagonal Flame" - Fractal Possession
MERRIMACK - "Kirjath-Ra" - Grey Rigorism


MAYHEM - "Anti" - Ordo Ad Chao
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - "Have You Beheld the Fevers?" - Paracletus
LEVIATHAN - "Requiem for a Turd World" - Tentacles of Whorror
NIHILL - "Gnosis, Pt. 3" - Krach
KRALLICE - "IIIIIIII" - Years Past Matter
MAYHEM - "To Daimonion (Part I of III)" - Grand Declaration of War
ABIGOR - "Liberty Rises a Diagonal Flame" - Fractal Possession
MERRIMACK - "Kirjath-Ra" - Grey Rigorism

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