Everyone knows by now about Tom's little fit, and everyone also knows that this is nothing new. It's always fucking something with Frost and/or Tom and I for one am sick to death of this mellow dramatic shit. So I hereby refuse to acknowledge this, yet another in a long line of farces spewed forth by Mr. "Fischer" in an attempt to shine a light on his own need for attention. I will not be obtaining your "black metal" project, I will not be checking out your future "en devours" and you my friend can take your self-righteous whining and tell it people who don't care that you've shit on Frost's name...AGAIN.
I wish I was in Tijuana
Eating barbequed iguana
I'm angry, or at least I was; our trip to The Netherlands to see CF as part of the Roadburn festival has been spoiled a bit; however, the mighty ENSLAVED have stepped into the breach, and now I'm looking forward to it!!!
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