Will they ever admit to this grand-scale fuck up?

I don't know what's worse, the fact that Cryptopsy actually recorded this atrocity and didn't abort mid-promoting or, the fact that the more negative the feedback from the very people who put them where they are and called them out on the severity of how bad they've fucked up really is, the more they seem to get snotty and take jabs at their fans. Are they REALLY thinking they're going to win over a new fan base? Do they think this is gonna fly? And, even if they do get new fans, do they think it's a good idea to be so verbal with their slamming of the old ones? This writer thinks maybe they should have 1) scrapped the album 2) recorded under a different name maybe or 3) at least kept their mouths shut.
So why am I bothering with yet another post about Cryptopsy? Well as I read Invisible Oranges this morning, there was a blog titled "Fan Criticism of New Crytopsy album, 2008" that was just too much of a hoot not to share. Here's a little of that article and some of the reactions to the "album" in question:
"The most entertaining aspect of the new Cryptopsy record, The Unspoken King, is not how bad it is, but the reactions to it. At metal-archives.com, the mean score is currently 11%, which makes it the metal equivalent of, say, Gigli. (In comparison, Celtic Frost's
- Cosmo Lee
"This whole album is a drag to listen to; a grueling chore that I would only wish on my very worst enemies, and most of the time it's more boring than offensive, blending into the background like the harmless yelps of a tiny chihuahua nipping at your heels while you're trying to put the bacon on the stove in the morning."
- Empyreal
"As far as the individual works go, picking a worst song can prove to be a bit difficult, as there is a healthy variety of terrible ideas guising as songs."
"Interestingly, I read that the only new song Cryptopsy is playing these days is "It's Dinner Time".
I spun the album again not too long ago, and for a second I thought, 'Wait, this might be boring, but not as catastrophic as I thought,' but then the singing started and I just wanted to weep. Kevin Stewart-Panko notes in his Decibel piece that the singing only makes up six and a half minutes fo a 46 minute album, but I have to reiterate that the singing is so inept, it absolutely ruins the entire experience.
St. Anger and Cold Lake are better albums than this one, no question."
- adrein
These are but a few of the scathing backlashes that this pretty much doomed beyond redemption album and band have received. Could they recover from such a horrible album? Celtic Frost recovered from Cold Lake but Cryptopsy has neither the credentials nor the legacy of that band so, it's hard to say.
The only real consensus one can make at this point is that these guys have REALLY fucked up and on a level that really seems to be "death-knell" at best. Will Cryptopsy ever pull a Tom Warrior and admit to their faults and move on to bigger and better things? Who knows. Because even Tom had to crap out Appolyon Sun before we got Monotheist.
But do you think anyone will love that new Cryptopsy the way that I love Cold Lake in 20 years time? I don't!!!
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