Thursday, July 08, 2010

...some sort of apology

Posts have been lacking to say the least. Some know, some don't, but I lost my job last September and it's been sluggish getting back in the game. I promise to get TorqueZine up and running again soon' (if I can get used to a laptop after being weened on a tabletop) and keep posting about the kind of music that most media won't touch. Be on the look out for updates on ABSU, Tarot Productions, Locrain, Ozark Empire, Protest as well as goings on from Hydra Head, Southern Lord...etc. You know, the kind of shit I buy that I know has a market out there. In the mean time, here is Sean and Jes from Coaleace...a mere taste of the HUNDREDS of pics I took at the Converge/Coalesce/Gaza/Black Breath show. Keep buying CDs and/or wax, stop downloading like a pussy and wave the fucking flag! Music or DIE!
