(or... abstract: the specification covers the chemical requirements for
wrought stainless steels used for the manufacture of surgical
instruments... classes of stainless steels covered here are class 3
(austenitic stainless steel), class 4 (martensitic stainless steel),
class 5 (precipitation hardening stainless steel), and class 6 (ferritic
stainless steel))
CARCASS - "Noncompliance to ASTM F899-12 Standard" - Surgical Steel
AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED - "Bullshit Gets Up and Walks Around" - Frozen Corpse Stuffed with Dope
NASUM - "Sick System" - Human 2.0
GENERAL SURGERY - "Crimson Concerto" - Necrology
NAPALM DEATH - "Scum" - Noise for Music's Sake
DISCORDANCE AXIS - "Carcass Lotery" - Jouhou
PIG DESTROYER - "Valley of the Geysers" - Book Burner
NOISEAR - "Bureaucracy Ridiculed" - Pyroclastic Annihilation
GODFLESH - "Christbait Rising [Rehearsal: April 1989]" - Streetcleaner
ROTTEN SOUND - "Missing Link [Napalm Death]" - Napalm
LIKE RATS - "Red Dawn" - LIke Rats
NAPALM DEATH - "Extremity Retained [Live]" - Live Corruption: Salisbury Arts Centre 30.6.90
GENERAL SURGERY - "Final Excarnation" - Corpus In Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism
REPULSION - "Acid Bath" - Horrified
CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER - "Sudden Death" - Convicted
DISCORDANCE AXIS - "Angel Present" - The Inalienable Dreamless
NAPALM DEATH - "Low Point" - Inside the Torn Apart
BALATONIZER - "C.E.P." - Occlussed in Ottusity
ASSÜCK - "Lithographs" - Misery Index
GRUESOME STUFF RELISH - "Sex, Drugs & Grind" - Sempiternal Death Grind
NAPALM DEATH - "Muclehead" - From Enlavement to Obliteration
ROTTEN SOUND - "Simplicity" - Cycles
MULE SKINNER - "Parasites" - Abuse
CARCASS - "Cadaver Pouch Conveyor System" - Surgical Steel
RIGHTEOUS PIGS - "Dormant Catastrophe" - Stress Related
IMPETEIGO - "Cannibal Lust" - Horror of the Zombies
WEEKEND NACHOS - "For Life" - Worthless
GRIDLINK - "Naked Pieces Scattered" - Our Last Day
CARCASS - "Face Meltaaargh" - Flesh Ripping Sonic Torment
ASSÜCK - "Body Politic Equation" - Anticapital / Blindspot / +3
DISCORDANCE AXIS - "Come Apart Together Come Together Alone" - Jouhou
WORMROT - "False Assumptions" - Noise
CARCASS - "Mount of Execution" - Surgical Steel